
i started collecting monster high dolls back when i was a kid. i don't remember exactly how old i was when i started collecting because i had to be, like, seven or eight at the absolute oldest, maybe six at the youngest, so pardon my gen 1 dolls' appearences... they are a bit fucked up in places. but they were so very loved, and that's why i started collecting again!


gen 1 dolls

the first doll i ever remember getting was the classic frankie stein doll. she was one of my favorites as a kid, along with clawdeen, who still is a favorite of mine today. after that, i think i got draculaura next...? then i couldn't tell you the order. honest. operetta was another favorite from my g1 batch. rochelle too.. OH!! and c.a. cupid :D

as you can see, a lot of my dolls' hair is.. messed up. and lagoona is missing an arm. there were some hands missing for a long time, too. like i said, these dolls were well loved. i played with them a lot as a kid. they truly meant a lot to me:')


gen 3 dolls

i don't have too many gen three dolls at the current moment (march 2025) but i do have about four! the order i've bought/received these dolls in is as follows:

  • venus, clawdeen, catty, then abby!
  • currently, i really want a ghoulia or frankie doll. i also really want a spectra, too!! i'd really like a cleo eventually as i never got a chance to own a g1 doll of her T_T but that's later down the line, i think :')
