"I want you to do this with me for one month. One month. Write 10 observations a week and by the end of four weeks, you will have an answer. Because when someone writes about the rustic gutter and the water pouring through it onto the muddy grass, the real pours into the room. And it’s thrilling. We’re all enlivened by it. We don’t have to find more than the rustic gutter and the muddy grass and the pouring cold water"

words from Marie Howe.

page inspired by michaelmas and swiftred.

3/28/25 my doctor was 21 minutes late. well, it wasn't even technically my doctor today - it was my old doctor who saw me. my current doctor was probably on vacation, or something. but my old doctor, she aged me down three years and asked me to say hi to my mom. i will.

3/26/25 the man at the doctor's office i think may have been blind; his one eye never focused on me. still, he was the most thorough receptionist i've ever met. probably the best at his job. and the nurse who checked me in is getting married next month - somewhere warm, somewhere on the beach, she said. she's not from here. i hope her wedding is well, too.

3/25/25 the boy who sits next to me in class smelled nice. he thanked me when i held the door for him. he got into our local university, too. i hope he does well.