miku miku oo wee oo

Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku, often shortened and referred to as Project SEKAI, is a mobile rhythm game developed by SEGA, Colorful Palette, Craft Egg, and Crypton Future Media. The game includes five new musical groups that collaborate with your favorite classic VOCALOID artists, such as Miku, LEN & RIN, KAITO, and more! Journey to SEKAI with these new and familiar faces to sing some of your favorite VOCALOID songs, such as ROKI, or The World is Mine!


Girl in a jacket

Is Miku There?

Yes! Miku and her friends help out the five different groups through their SEKAI, which are worlds built from emotions and dreams. They are where the VOCALOIDs live, and based on each person's different dreams and ambitions, their desires, their SEKAIs look different. One groups SEKAI looks totally different from the others.

Copyright SEGA. All Intellectual Property goes to them.
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