wren's first tiering journey!

I joined a server way long ago to learn about tiering, back in November of 2024. After that, my life in PJSK and in general was never the same.

Many people in the tiering community fill to help each other out. What is filling? It is when you build a team that is only good for one thing: score boosting. There is a formula for this, many guides too. This value of score boosting is called an ISV - the internal skill value.

Your internal skill value of your fill team helps determine how much of a score boost you can provide to the tierer. Sounds complicated, and it can be. It took me a good few months to understand, but modding and staying behind the scenes with managers (the people who help organize things for the tierer in a hosted run) helped me learn things much faster.

What's the difference between a hosted run and... something else?

Well, a hosted run is where you join a server and apply to have them "host" your tier to take some of the heavy lifting off of the tierer's shoulder. Things like cost calculations, team building, scheduling fillers - managers and the behind the scenes team of the server take care of these such things.

So, when I joined this community, I made a fill team and started to fill religiously.

Some people hate to fill - it can be quite tedious, admittedly. Usually, people play on easy and die after fever (which is called "doormatting") to play for the least amount of time possible. I quite enjoy it. I like the feeling of helping others get to their desired goals, and the added bonus of people returning the favor after the fact for your tiers is quite nice. This is called "fill debt," when people return the favor of filling after they finish their own event tier. They then come and help you with your tier!

my first and second tiers

I wanted to tier some sort of mixed event, as they are my favorites, but I wasn’t exactly sure what event would be best for me. After looking through the event list countless upon countless times, I settled on HECTIC CAFE: REC! — and you’re probably thinking, well, why?

To put it simply: EmuAiriSaki.

Since I wasn’t even playing PJSK during the first Valentine’s Day event, when my favorite pink girls came together, I knew I had to snatch at the chance to tier when they were together again. So, yes, I’m your local Pink Hair Club Oshi. EmuAiriSaki mean EVERYTHING to me, and I’m so excited to be tiering for them along with Minori and Mizuki. They are such special characters to me. This story is so silly and cute, and I needed something to make me smile about now.

The event was right before my trip to Chicago, which was for a concert. An ATEEZ concert, to be specific. What happened at the concert is a totally different story, but it felt like a dream come true, tiering this dream event then going to see one of my favorite artists of all time.

I secured the bag despite the server I was supposed to be hosted in crashing and burning a few months before my host. I used good ol' reliable: R8SS.

The difference between a hosted run and a R8 run is that R8 uses ping rooms, which allows anyone to bring any type of team - while if you are hosted, people have to bring the best fill teams to help boost your event team's score and get you to the top of the leaderboard easier. I wasn't able to get a pretty number as my final event point score, which is what tierers call "parking." But I did get a cool number as my final tier: t75.

My second tier was a bit rougher than the first, though it was also because I went higher in the ranks than before. I almost secured my first and final top 20 - one of my final goals as a tierer - but I failed.

But that's okay. I'm gonna try again - not soon, but eventually, maybe in another year or two.

Just not soon.

Tiering can be stressful. It can make you emotional and you can fail to take care of yourself during the time while you tier. It's a hard period of time, all for what? A silly title?

For the love of the game, of course.

It's all for the love of the game.

so, how can i tier?

I really recommend joining some Discord servers for tiering! The tiering community thrives over there and on Twitter, but unlike Twitter, you need a Discord account for most of the activities held for the Global/EN server tierers.

The biggest tiering server is Room 8 Secret Society (r8ss) and the link for it is in the resources section below. It has public ping rooms, which unlike a hosted run, is a bit more lax and allows you to bring your own event team to the room.

Here are some other servers I quite enjoy with some permanent invite links:

  • rad weekend.
  • SBC.
  • What's Up World!
  • HSW (application based)
  • ROSE (application based)
  • resources
    What is Tiering? Reddit.
    Hectic Cafe REC!!
  • home.
  • sitemap.
  • IN,,
    that case,,,