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  • BLM Carrd
  • Free Palestine Carrd
  • Note that the sources above are not perfect and are baseline, starter sources for the topics. Please do your own research as well, but consider these the first stepping stone.
  • Able Gamers Charity an amazing charity whose goal is to make gaming more accessible to those with disabilities
  • Wear #RedInstead why you should wear red instead for autism acceptance day
  • Let's Crush Capitalism! an amazing site on what capitalism is, and why we shouldn't stand for it.
  • guerrilla gardening guide in the same vein as the one above, a site on guerrilla gardening.

for my trans friends.

  1. the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) by cosmogony this is my favorite fanfic ever. please regard all the warnings. i go back to this every time i feel like giving up on fanfiction.
  2. being boring by wendy cope another piece i come back to, but just as a gentle reminder for myself. to all my boring friends. we do not need to entertain to be worthy of love.
  3. how do we forgive our fathers? by dick lourie to all my friends with complicated relationships with your father figures: read this one. read it, and let it hit you like a train, like it hit me.
  4. i drove on the world's most unique highway by scott cramerthis video made me cry. we have so much beauty in this world, so much lovely art, and it can be found right under our noses. maybe i'm a bit sentimental, but i found this beautiful.
  5. fanfiction tips and tricks from writer's anonymous
  6. fanfiction notion template oh my god this actually saved my life. if you use notion like me, and you also write fanfiction, just trust me and save this template to your notion. it's free, but the creator accepts tips. (you should tip them if you can /nf)
  7. good writers are perverts (op) this !!!!!!!!!!!
  8. ao3 bulk downloader
  9. anti-censorship + "anti's" the double edged sword we must wield.
  10. digital safety guide
  11. digital safety guide (lgbt version)
  12. what your site may look like (a site on accessibility)
  13. tone tags carrd an explanation of all tone tags, also used in sentences. genuinely super helpful for those like me who struggle w/ tone. i have this linked in my carrd on discord / twitter so people can use tone tags around me :)
  14. pronoun dressing room try out different pronouns 'n see how they feel:)
  15. event tracker this may only be useful to me but this is for tracking the current events on all servers for pjsk (run times, graphics, etc etc)
  16. youtube mp3/4 converter
  17. discord timestamp generator

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